blog de metaverso y criptomonedas

Top 10 Blogs sobre el Metaverso y 2023

Blog sobre el Metaverso: te recomendamos qué leer para que estés informado.

Última actualización: 2023-12-27-06:18:16

La idea de Zarfideli es brindarte una lista de blogs para leer sobre Metaverso. La palabra que es tendencia en este tema es la siguiente o siguientes: 2023. ¿Qué leer para estar al día? A continuación te presentaré una lista que se actualizará todos los días. Estas recomendaciones sobre la tendencia 2023 desaparecerán mañana, si no las lees hoy no las volverás a ver, así que es mejor que las leas ahora:

1er Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

Primero, tenemos esta historia sobre chromia migrates my neighbor alice to shared appnet for season 4 launch, la cual dice:

Stockholm, Sweden, December 12th, 2023, Chainwire Chromia’s Appnet continues to grow while the fully on-chain game My Neighbor Alice launches its Alpha Season 4  Chromia, a relational blockchain platform designed for decentralized applications, has migrated the fully on-chain game, My Neighbor Alice, to its Shared Appnet, coinciding with the My Neighbor Alice Alpha Season 4 announcement. Chromia’s Appnet provides a closed beta environment for decentralized applications (dapps) to utilize real assets, establish a user base, and demonstrate the platform’s technology potential. Since it went online in October 2023, Appnet has shown consistent growth and expansion. It is already hosting groundbreaking projects such as BLK DNM’s Connected Fashion and VfB Stuttgart’s Digital Collectibles Marketplace.  My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer open-world

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2do Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

Y si no quieres perderte nada sobre esta tendencia relacionada con Metaverso te recomiendo la siguiente historia: binaryx launches ai chat game ‘ai hero’ with limited nft mints. A continuación un pequeño abrebocas sobre lo que dice ese titular:

Singapore, Singapore, November 28th, 2023, Chainwire BinaryX today announced the official launch of AI Hero, an AI-based battle royale adventure game. The team initially released an Open Beta version of the game in October this year. The game combines the best elements of AI technology, Battle Royale and GameFi, offering an immersive and personalized gaming experience for players. AI Hero – Driven by AI Offering a Dynamic Gaming Experience  AI Hero uses AI-generated content to dynamically alter the game world, generates quests, NPC interactions, and world events, ensuring that each playthrough offers something unique. In AI Hero, players will be part of an exciting adventure, with 20 participants simultaneously entering the game and shaping the world, a feat that can

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3er Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

Otro titular que recomendamos es el siguiente: okx liquid marketplace outperforms in september, hits all-time high $1.54 billion in monthly futures spreads volume , el cual dice lo siguiente:

Dubai, UAE, October 18th, 2023, Chainwire OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, today announced that futures spreads trading volumes on its Liquid Marketplace, a spot OTC, futures spreads and options liquidity network, reached a record monthly high of US$1.54 billion in September 2023. This achievement represents 62%* of the institutional market share for futures spreads for the month. Since the July 2023 launch of Nitro Spreads, a venue under OKX’s Liquid Marketplace for institutional traders to execute basis, futures spreads and funding rate arbitrage strategies, OKX’s cumulative futures spreads volumes led the market from August 28 to October 11 in 2023. OKX’s volumes on futures spreads also excelled during ‘high-water mark’ volume days, with OKX futures spreads

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3er Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

¿Qué tiene que ver web3 con buy? y ¿cómo se relaciona con binaryx? Para saberlo necesitas leer esta historia: xsolla announces acquisition of acceleratxr, a multi-player platform for games, la cual dice en resumen lo siguiente:

Sherman Oaks, United States, September 27th, 2023, Chainwire Xsolla, a global video game commerce company, announces its strategic acquisition of AcceleratXR, a provider of in-game server backend technology designed for live service games and software. The AcceleratXR platform and network engine offer robust scalability, supporting experiences across multiple platforms and devices. It functions similarly to an operating system optimized for modern interactive digital content. AcceleratXR technology equips development teams—regardless of size or skill level—to create cutting-edge online and multiplayer experiences on a grand scale. Boasting more than 20 specialized systems, such as live cloud scripting, AcceleratXR is the most flexible and feature-packed platform for developing games, digital entertainment, the metaverse, and more. This acquisition underscores a transformative shift towards marketing

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¿Notaste que la noticia está en inglés? Esto se debe a que las tendencias sobre Metaverso siempre se generan en el mercado gringo. Te recomiendo usar el traductor de tu preferencia si presentas alguna dificultad al leer los artículos.

6to Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

Nuestra sexta recomendación la describen con este titular ¨okx achieves soc 2 type ii certification, demonstrating its industry-leading user safety, security and compliance standards¨. ¿Quieres leer todo el artículo completo? Antes de que lo hagas, este es un pequeño extracto sobre la noticia:

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, September 20th, 2023, Chainwire OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, today announced that it has successfully completed the Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type II audit, demonstrating that the company’s processes for governing its services, managing sensitive data and protecting data privacy meet the highest global standards. The internationally recognized SOC 2 Type II report, a framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, is one of the most comprehensive audits in the market. The report, completed by an independent external auditor, reviews a company’s policies, procedures and controls over an extended period of time. Achieving SOC 2 Type II certification is a testament to OKX’s unwavering efforts in ensuring the

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7mo Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

La séptima entrada de blog que habla sobre 2023 y que hace enfásis en 10, la titulan de la siguiente manera: ¨14 new cryptocurrency to buy this 2023¨, ¿Hablará sobre hero? Bueno, no lo sabremos hasta que leeamos completa la entrada, pero por el momento miremos un extracto:

Promising Crypto Projects To Consider In 2022 How To Discover The Newest Cryptocurrency Coin Launches? How We Chose Our New Cryptocurrencies And Made This List? To Summarize: New Cryptocurrency Projects To Look Out For Over the past decade, the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies has witnessed significant growth. It is fascinating to observe how the crypto […]

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8to Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

Nuestra octava recomendación nos sorprende con el siguiente titular ¨3 best nft games to play in 2023¨, del cual extrajimos el siguiente aparte:

NFT games use blockchain technology in order to: Prove the history of ownership Assets secured with blockchain are immutable, they cannot be changed or edited Decentralization: it is available to all players to view and use In this article, we have listed some of the best NFT games of 2021 that will allow you to […]

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9no Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

La penúltima recomendación está relacionada con 2024, la cual se titula ¨10 best ido launchpads for crypto projects in 2023¨, y para no darle más rodeos al asunto, aquí te va un extracto sobre ese blog:

Our Picks Conclusion Crypto launchpads, often referred to as IDO platforms, are platforms for launching new coins, crypto projects, and raising liquidity. They are the digital world’s next big thing, specifically in terms of decentralized finance. An IDO is a platform for crowdfunding for any new project launched on a decentralized exchange platform using coins […]

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10mo Blog Recomendado sobre Metaverso

Nuestra última recomendación de este top de blogs sobre Metaverso, tiene el siguiente titular: trader warns blue-chip ethereum rival flashing bearish signal, says metaverse altcoin gearing up for upswings, y este es un aparte de ese blog:

Crypto analyst and trader Ali Martinez is warning that one Ethereum (ETH) rival is suddenly flashing a bearish signal. Martinez tells his 37,500 followers on the social media platform X that interoperability blockchain Polkadot (DOT) could decline by more than 20% from its current value. According to the trader, the Tom DeMark (TD) Sequential indicator, […]

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Pensamiento final

Mira, si realmente quieres entender todo lo relacionado con Metaverso, te recomiendo repasar los siguientes temas: 2023, bnb y binaryx. ¿Por qué? Porque estos temas han estado apareciendo frecuentemente en la lista de blogs que recomendamos. Sigue buscando blogs sobre Metaverso, seguro encontrarás buenos artículos en inglés o español.

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